The Kings and Queens have spoken regarding the launch of Aradena.

13 Jun 2023, 22:20
The Kings and Queens have spoken regarding the launch of Aradena! Tis with a heart heavy as a castle's stones that we impart the news of the recent proposal to launch Aradena upon Royale's illusive gamepad. The herald's trumpets have sung, the scrolls have been unrolled, yet alas, our royal decree to embark upon a public quest has been met with but a whisper of interest. Aye, the clamor of enthusiasm from our beloved Kings and Queens proved too sparse for us to rally our troops and march forward into the dawn of this new adventure. Yet despair not! For those of thee who remain steadfast in thy desire to journey onward, a silver lining doth shine through the clouds. The gates of the Aradena Private Round remain ajar for those who possess the courage to venture into the unknown. Send forth thy raven to, or dispatch a messenger directly unto myself or @SENDNZ. We stand ready to assist thee in this noble quest and offer guidance through the labyrinthine corridors of the process. Heed our words, brave souls, for time is of the essence. All oaths of allegiance, represented in our realm as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks, must be swiftly sworn. This ensures our fortress remains unbreachable, fostering a sanctuary of trust, security, and honor for all who reside within our hallowed walls. We are grateful for thy understanding and await with bated breath to witness thy continued fervor and camaraderie in the Royale kingdom. Forsooth, together, we shall write the annals of our kingdom's glory! The deadline for the Aradena private round is 48 hours Godspeed, Your Royale Wizard